Nestled between Cairanne and Rasteau, deep in Provence, Domaine Galuval associates the rooster (gallus), a symbol of pride, with the grape (uva), the fruit of a thousand-year-old heritage . Our wines are always creative and even ground-breaking at times, with a distinct style that reveals the beauty of the fruit and the diversity of our terroirs. Our winemaker crafts each one as a unique creation, inspired by nature and true to the character of each vintage. Free from all constraints, Domaine de Galuval is opening a whole new perspective on Rhone wines.
On prime terroirs of the Rhone Valley, Boissy & Delaygue offers a platform to the skills of our growers and cultivates a culture of excellence.
Set in woodland, the vines at Château de L’Estagnol produce wines of immense freshness and absolute finesse.
With its resolutely retro style, the Les Dauphins brand offers an immersion in the Paris of the roaring twenties.
Cellier des Dauphins, a trusted, historic brand, remains France’s favorite Cotes du Rhone, after almost 60 years of shared emotion.
True to the viticultural tradition of the Enclave des Papes, an historic domain of the Pope, the Vignerons de L’Enclave produce over 20 southern Rhone appellations.