

After Wine Paris in February and Prowein in March, the Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône was present at Vinexpo America in New York.
The 2024 edition attracted 260 exhibitors from 43 producer countries and around 2,600 trade visitors.

Another opportunity for the Union to highlight its brands and estates: Les Dauphins, Château de l’Estagnol and Boissy & Delaygue.
We’d like to thank all our customers, importers and prospects who came out in force to discover our wines, and hope to see them at future shows!

The Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône at Prowein 2024

For the second time this year, after Wine Paris in February, the Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône made its mark at Prowein in Germany. The 2024 edition attracted 5,400 exhibitors from 65 producer countries, and some 47,000 trade visitors from 135 countries. A fine performance for the 30th anniversary of this international trade show, which remains a must-attend event in the world of wine!

Another opportunity for the Union to present its 2024 innovations:
Cépage Résistant Floréal, a low-carbon wine from La Résistance.
– Our Carnet d’Invitation range, designed by Cellier des Dauphins: a wonderful escape to our region.

Our Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône stand showcased all our brands: Cellier des Dauphins, Les Dauphins, Vignerons de l’Enclave, Boissy & Delaygue and our premium estate distributed in the traditional sector, Domaine de Galuval.

We’d like to thank all our customers, importers and prospects who came out in force to discover our innovations, and we look forward to seeing them at future trade fairs!

Wine Paris & Vinexpo 2024: a great success for the Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône!

Wine Paris demonstrated its appeal and international scope with 4,074 exhibitors from 48 wine-producing countries.
And no fewer than 41,250 enthusiastic visitors, to whom we were able to present our innovations:
– Cépage Résistant Floréal, a wine from La Résistance, the brand that embodies our commitment to sustainable development. It’s an entirely low-carbon concept, using the innovative Estampe bottle from O-I.
– and our Carnet d’invitation range by Cellier des Dauphins, an invitation to take a break in our region.

Our Union des Vignerons des Côtes du Rhône stand, with an area dedicated to Domaine de Galuval, aptly embodied our values and our art of living in the southern Rhône Valley.

We would like to extend our warmest thanks to everyone who visited our stand, took part in our tastings and shared their passion for wine with us.

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Our viticulture Manager and Domaines director Marie-Véronique Blanc gave us a vineyard update at 08/30/23.

Marked by the heatwave in the second half of August, the vineyards shook off their dry leaves thanks to a strong Mistral wind. 30 millimetres of rain helped the grapes to reach maturity.

As after every hot spell, some varieties and early-ripening sectors are showing berry wilt (Viognier and Syrah). Fortunately, this is a minority phenomenon and will not lead to a sharp fall in yields. Only downy mildew, which was particularly virulent this year, left its mark on the foliage and some bunches, but fortunately the damage was very localised and random.

By 30 August, the harvest had barely begun, and only varieties such as Chardonnay, Viognier and Floréal had been picked. The rosé harvest is starting and should intensify in the first week of September, as for most of the whites. The cool mornings are very good for us, for two reasons: the quality of the juices, which are pure and brilliant, and, more prosaically, the energy savings in the cellar.


Recognition for 4 of our vintages in the Guide Hachette 2024 selection

– 3 stars for La Montagne AOC Cru Cairanne Red 2020

– 2 stars for Lou Pontias Côtes du Rhône Red 2021
– 1 star for Coeur des Disciples Cru Vinsobres Red 2021

– 1 star for La Résistance AOC Côtes du Rhône ORGANIC No Sulphur Added Red 2022


Our Bag in Box Cellier des Dauphins Prestige 3L was named best eco-design innovation project 2023, highlighting our continuous improvement approach and our avant-garde spirit. Proof that together we can shape a more sustainable future.

Actions implemented

This approach has been ongoing since 2018, with 2 million Cellier des Dauphins Prestige 3L Bib® sold in supermarkets each year.

2018: removal of the plastic handle, replaced by a finger grip integrated into the box
= 7 tonnes less plastic waste per year
(calculation based on annual Bib® Cellier des Dauphins Prestige 3L sales)

2019: introduction of a 100% cardboard pre-cut tear strip to allow the pouch to be separated and make it easier for consumers to sort, with an explanatory text printed on the pack.

2021: adoption of a new packaging (EVOH plastic pouch) with a carbon black-free tap (recyclable) and reduction in the weight of the cardboard (-60g) and the grouping tray.
= -120 tonnes less cardboard per year

2022: adoption of lightweight EVOH PE Compact 55 µm (micrometre) film for wine bags
= Weight reduction (-8%) compared to 70 µm (micrometre).
= Plastic waste reduced by – 4 tonnes / year
(calculation based on annual Bib® Cellier des Dauphins Prestige 3L sales)

2023: new pouch with short tap and tamper-evident wings attached to the tap
= Prevents littering and improves recyclability
= Plastic waste reduced by 7.8 tonnes/year
(calculation based on annual Bib® Cellier des Dauphins Prestige 3L sales)

Key points

  • Ongoing eco-design approach covering all aspects of Bib®
  • Significant reduction in environmental impact in terms of sales and brand awareness
  • Innovation in Bib® tamper evidence

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