Our Bag in Box Cellier des Dauphins Prestige 3L was named best eco-design innovation project 2023, highlighting our continuous improvement approach and our avant-garde spirit. Proof that together we can shape a more sustainable future.
Actions implemented
This approach has been ongoing since 2018, with 2 million Cellier des Dauphins Prestige 3L Bib® sold in supermarkets each year.
2018: removal of the plastic handle, replaced by a finger grip integrated into the box
= 7 tonnes less plastic waste per year
(calculation based on annual Bib® Cellier des Dauphins Prestige 3L sales)
2019: introduction of a 100% cardboard pre-cut tear strip to allow the pouch to be separated and make it easier for consumers to sort, with an explanatory text printed on the pack.
2021: adoption of a new packaging (EVOH plastic pouch) with a carbon black-free tap (recyclable) and reduction in the weight of the cardboard (-60g) and the grouping tray.
= -120 tonnes less cardboard per year
2022: adoption of lightweight EVOH PE Compact 55 µm (micrometre) film for wine bags
= Weight reduction (-8%) compared to 70 µm (micrometre).
= Plastic waste reduced by – 4 tonnes / year
(calculation based on annual Bib® Cellier des Dauphins Prestige 3L sales)
2023: new pouch with short tap and tamper-evident wings attached to the tap
= Prevents littering and improves recyclability
= Plastic waste reduced by 7.8 tonnes/year
(calculation based on annual Bib® Cellier des Dauphins Prestige 3L sales)
Key points
- Ongoing eco-design approach covering all aspects of Bib®
- Significant reduction in environmental impact in terms of sales and brand awareness
- Innovation in Bib® tamper evidence